October 28, 2009

About Sun Flowers

About Sun Flowers

(Helianthus annuus Linnaeus)


Kingdom: Plantae

Division: Magnoliophyta

Class: Magnoliophyta

Order: Asterales

Family: Asteraceae (Compositae).

Genus: Helianthus

Species: Helianthus annuus

Name type: Helianthus annuus Linnaeus


Sunflower (Helianthus annuus), are shrubs. Sense of soft, neutral. Annual herbs (umumya short, less than a year), erect, hairy, high 1 to 3 m. Trunked plants including wet (herbaceus), heart-shaped leaves along a single 15 centimeters long and 12 inches wide with a long handle container leaves on stems primarily composed of hard and hairy. Just as high as 90 to 350 cm, trunked small, wire-haired and almost no branching.

Large flower head (inflorescence) with a diameter of flowers can be up to 30 cm, with a crown-shaped bands along the edge of the cup with a transverse size of between 10 to 15 inches, yellow, and in the middle there are the flowers of small tube-shaped, brown color. If fertilized, the small flowers into the seeds of black and white striped gathered in the cup. When ripe, the seeds are easily removed from the cup. Known Sunflowers grow toward the sun, this behavior is known as Heliotropism. At night, the flowers bowed down.


Sunflower (Helianthus annuus), planted in the yard and gardens have enough sunlight, as an ornamental plant. This plant is suitable in all nature but is the most fertile plants in mountainous areas, areas that have sufficient moisture and a lot get direct sunlight. Sunflower can grow to a height of didataran low 1500 meters above sea level.

Sunflower can not live in areas inundated by water. Because the roots will rot.


Sunflower is a seasonal crops. The plant is propagated by seeds. Seeds derived from the first flower elderly parent. The way the seeding. Seed taken and sown seeds in the former containing wet soil, it is easy to sprout and grow quickly. If you just need a little, enough to use as a vehicle for the nursery pot. For large scale, in semaikan beds. Wait 10 days from the sow, or when high seed about 15-20 cm, may be transferred to the new plant location. One hole, just one seed. Spacing of at least 1 square meter. If too tight, will not grow stems and branches. Urbanization rate will shrink, even stunted.

Plants should be planted in loose soil. At the beginning of planting, sprinkle 3 kg of manure (chicken dung, goat dung, cow dung) per seed. Repeat as month-old plants. Give ZA 25 grams per stem. At 1.5 months of age, add 15 grams of TSP per stem. Do not forget, pay attention to drainage, pests and diseases that can whack. Age 2 months, the interest from the main stem started to bud, followed by branches in leaf sections below. One stems of plants can produce 10-12 flowers.

In order to do maintenance at least once a day watering. This ornament basic species able to attract insects that helped pendebungaan process to produce seeds for the growth of new seedlings child.



       Interest: quercimeritrin, (flavon glycosides), sianidinmonogiukosida (antosian glycosides), xantofil, kholina, betaina, sapogenin, helianthoside ABC, oleanolic acid, echinocystic acid.

       Beans: Protein, globuiin, albumin, glutolin, essential amino acids, beta-sitosterol, prostaglandin E, chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, phytin, and 3,4-benzopyrene. In 100 g of sunflower seed oil: Fat total: 100, Saturated fat: 9.8: sources of unsaturated fats: Oleic linoleic 11.7 and 72.9, cholesterol: --

       Fruit: Oil fat by ~ kholina, lecithin, betaina, and tanning substances.

       Marrow stem and base of the flower containing hemicellulose content that inhibits sarcoma 180 and Ehrlich ascitic carcinoma in mice.

1. Interest: antipyretic, hipotensif, lowering blood pressure, reduce pain (analgesic), menstrual pain (dysmenorrhoe), stomach pain (gastric pain), headache, toothache, abdominal pain, high blood pressure, inflammation of the breast (external drug), arthritis (externally), cosmetics (to prevent premature aging), and difficult childbirth.

2. Roots: Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antitusif, diuretic, cough, kidney stones, bronchitis, vaginal discharge (leucorrhoe), anti-inflammatory, peluruh urine, a cough suppressant, and eliminate pain.

3. Leaves: Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, reducing pain, and anti-malaria.

4. Seed: Anti dysentery, stimulate appetite to eat, lethargy, headaches, disenteri bleeding, oozing stimulate the body (hormones, enzymes, etc..), Stimulate spending measles (measles).

5. Marrow from stem and flower base (reseptaculum): Stimulates vital energy, calming the liver, stimulates the urinary excretion of water, eliminate pain during bowel bladder, stomach pain, bedarah urine (haematuria), ari urinary fat (chyluria), gastric cancer , esophageal cancer and malignant mole.


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